The mentality of every Individual when he/she listens to the word “Shortcut” is wrong. Taking Shortcuts may be risky and might drop you into problems but Using Shortcuts that eases your work can be rapid and fruitful. Similarly,  Tally Shortcuts are considered to be a boon for all the Accountants, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, etc.

TallyPrime is one of the most powerful software we have for Accounting. Using shortcuts is beneficial as it saves time and effort.

  Alt + 2Duplicate a Voucher, in case all voucher details are similar. To speed up voucher creation, duplicate the previous voucher, Change the Date, Narration, Amount, and then click on save.At List Of Vouchers.
Alt + AAdd a Voucher if deleted accidentally, while maintaining Automatic number series from the List Of Vouchers. Position the cursor where you want to add the Voucher.At List Of Vouchers.
 Alt + MDirect mailing of any financial statement like Balance Sheet, Vouchers, Invoice, Outstanding Statements, Reminder Letters, Trial Balance can be done. Mailing can be in any format- PDF, JPEG, Excel, XML, HTML.At all report screens in  TallyPrime.
Alt + NA complete view of reports in automatic columns for the information selected in Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Summary on the basis of; Periodicity i.e. monthly, yearly, daily, quarterly. Multiple stock valuations. For all loaded Companies together.At all the report levels like Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Voucher Registers, Summary where columns can be added.
Alt + RTo repeat the narration in different voucher types. To remove a Line at all Voucher types in TallyPrime.At all vouchers screens in TallyPrime.
Alt + XTo cancel a voucher in Day Book/List of Vouchers. Number Series can be maintained even after canceling the voucher from Display Daybook / List if Vouchers.At all voucher screens in TallyPrime.
Alt + ETo export any Reports, Ledgers, Vouchers, Outstanding Statements, Reminder Letters, Confirmation Letters, etc. Exporting can be in any format viz. PDF, JPEG, Excel, XML, HTML.At all voucher screens in TallyPrime.
Alt + IInserts a voucher before the one where you positioned the cursor at the list of Vouchers.A list of Vouchers.
Alt + STo bring back the line you had removed using (Alt+R).At all reports screens in TallyPrime.
Alt + ZTo zoom in (+)/out (-) to print preview the screen to 100%.At all print preview screens that appear on pressing  (Alt+P) with the option: With Preview enabled.
Alt + EnterTo Display and Print the Voucher at Display Day Book and at all Voucher reports. [To Print press (Alt+P)].To Alter the voucher even without having access to altering the voucher.At Display day book and almost all Voucher Reports.
Ctrl + ATo accept screens at any level while creating and altering vouchers and masters. Specific details have to be given before accepting if needed.At almost all screens in TallyPrime, except where a specific detail has to be given before accepting.
Ctrl + SAlter stock item master without drilling down to voucher level in Stock Voucher Report and Godown Voucher Report.At Stock Voucher Report and Godown Voucher Report.
Ctrl+KLogin to Control Centre to view your license status, TDL status. To create a Remote Login User Id and can also check the Remote Login status.At all screens in TallyPrime.

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